Homepage of MRSM Seremban batch 1979-1983

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Fun link - new! 

I had added in ring tones download links for handphones for our children to play with or take a look only lah! Mak-ayah pun boleh join sekali. Ada mobile games for handphones also, probably for the poly phonic sort off gituk. It is under the name of "MSN Hotmail through SMS".

Roads in JB (to Hyatt Regency) 

Our doctor who is getting married has posted a direction to Hyatt Regency. She also posted the direction to her house but I don't think it's appropriate for me to write it down in this web site! Sorry ...

"salams all..i know lama its too early for directions..tapi tak tau bila i can get online later, so here goes
Plaza tol skudai – go straight ..don’t take the turn to senai

Take 2nd left turn (ikut sign board UTM)

turun flyover and go straaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiggggghhhhttttt

don’t ikut sign board UTM anymore – just go straight

skudai parade on ur left – go straight lagi

naik flyover and go straight

giant tampoi on your left, plaza angsana also on your left

go straight

nampak sign board BRITTANICA on your left, then ada bus stand – take the left lane now

Sign board BANDAR BARU UDA on your left

Petronas station atas bukit on your left

Ada left turn going up (signboard :istana bukit serene, pusat Bandar, pusat islam, HOSPITAL SULTANAH AMINAH etc)
Take this turn and go straight ( turun bukit)

Ada u-turn sign…to go to my hse u have to take this u-turn

If you are going to hyatt, go straight till u jumpa danga bay, pantai lido, then jumpa hotel mi casa, straits view hotel etc

Go straight lagi till u jumpa pejabat polis marin jb on your right

There is a traffic light right infront of the pejabat polis marin- go straight here and keep to your left – ada dataran bandaraya on your left

The next traffic light (about 150m away) take left turn, the hospital should be on your right

Go straight sampai jumpa simpang 3..take right turn, should be able to see hyatt already."

Votes for Bridal Shower in KL. 

Rafilda Abdul Rahman has helped with the voting and organising the gath in KL. Rafildah has done a wonderful job doing all these! Thks Pyl!

So, Pyl wrote on Wed 3/10/2004 11:43 AM:-

"Korang.. like I promised aku counted the votes malam jumaat..
actually dah pagi sabtu..
tapi dem kawan jegil kan jugak biji mata ni..

Setakat ini yang dapatnya..

Ogee Karim Any day Any place
Ita Karim 15th May KDE Option 1
Emma 15th May Any place
Jai Sharif 15th May Any place
Ananawar 15th May Any place
Ati Harun 15th May Any place
SuIb 1st May Melawati (because of pizza)
Derque 15th May Any place
Ayu 15th May Any place
Adi Jalil 15th May Any place

Any other offers or takers?

kalau tak de putuskan on 15th May at KDE."

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