Homepage of MRSM Seremban batch 1979-1983

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Aha! Another One! 

Pyl has come out with another thing about gathering! Refer below!

"Assalamulaikum Kengkawan,

Bahwasanya setelah saya meneliti jawapan-jawapan yang masuk dari kengkawan
sume... I came tot he conclusion that although many liked to have the karaoke
thing.. I think the outcome is as below

Tarikh: 15th May 2004
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Venue: Rumah Jai at Bukit Antarabangsa
Attire: Comfortable clothes
Makanan: Pot Luck

1. Ogee Karim

2. Ita Karim

3. Ana Nawar

4. Emma Manaf

5. Jai Shariff

6. Ati Harun

7. Iderque

8. Ayu

9. Adi Jalil

10. Ani Baba

11. Seelah

12. Hazis

13. Noriah

14. Ina Mail

15. PyL

16. Arlin Lani (Of course)

My Suggested Rules of the Shower: Setiap orang please register your intention
on what you are bringing. So that there are no overlaps, as in 3 orang bawak
karipuf, 2 orang bawak cake, dst. Jai, selaku tuan rumah, aku tak ga
lakkan buat, masak, order or beli any food what so ever. U are allowed to
furnish the paper plates and paper cups, plastic utensils, tissue paper, and
beg plastik hitam only! Arlin sebagai guest of honour, you are also forbi
dden from contributing any food or drinks to the party. I would also prefer
kalau yang kena travel jauh-jauh tu tak contribute to the party other than
their prescence (Noriah Seelah, Hajiz) Yang lain-lain kalau ada yang nak b
uat baklava ke, nasi tomato ke, nasi briyani ke, semua boleh.

Since dah janji Noriah I will assume responsibility for transport for the
out-of towners to and from rumah Jai to their chosen arrival point.

Another point to remember when you guys bring food, please do not masak or
order for 16 orang! Kebuntat nanti. Just masak untuk 3-4 orang. It will be
more than enough as there are 11 contributors of food. Sesapa nak contr
ibute air also welcome, then tuan rumah tak payah siap air. Sesapa yang ada
cd karaoke tu pun bawak je la.. Mana lah tau kot ada yang berminat... ehem..
termasuk aku la tu..

Hehehe.. sorry to sound a little bossy, the rules are open for negotiation,
but I really feel the fact that tuan rumah and arlin should be exempted.

So, macam mana kengkawan? Are we game for this, or do we chicken out and go
to tea at Hotel Equatorial?


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